Debate Events

Congressional Debate (Congress | House & Senate)

Congress is a simulation of the legislative process. Students a series of bills and resolutions. Before the three hour session, students set the agenda. Students have the opportunity to give a three minute speech for each side of the topic. 

Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)

LD is a one-on-one debate. Resolutions (that switch bimonthly) use the word “ought” which brings a more philosophical framing, however there has been cross-mixing with policy-like cases. No memorization is required, however research is necessary for the topic at hand. Rounds last for forty five minutes with seven to three minute speeches.

Public Forum Debate (PF)

PF is a partner debate (two people on a team). The topics (which switch monthly) are usually concerning current events that the general public would have knowledge of. Cross examination for this event is different from the others as both teams can ask questions during the same period of time. Rounds usually last forty five minutes and speeches range from four to two minutes. 

Policy Debate (CX)

Policy is a two-on-two debate. The resolution stays the same entire year (which leads to very nuanced arguments). The affirmative proposes a plan to enact a policy and the negative offers reasons to reject that plan. Speeches are eight to three minutes long and rounds usually take one and a half hours.